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8 signs your boyfriend is an Agbero

It’s a known fact, that sometimes you all ladies, go for the bad boys, and we have no idea why.
We understand you all are not perfect, but then, if you’d ever want to know if your current boyfriend is or was an agbero (area boy), then continue with this list as compiled as OMGVoice.
It’s not like you don’t know what you’re doing, but there’s a certain thrill that comes with being a bad guy. Here are a few signs that you might be dating a guy who actually belongs in the garage.
1. He’s always shouting
If your boyfriend is always raising his voice at you for the slightest thing as if he’s a conductor, he might be a tout.
2. His singlet is never white
If you’ve seen a proper agbero you’ll know that their singlet is always brown. If your boyfriend never has clean underwear then he just might be an agbero.
3. Whenever you guys argue, he takes off his shirt
4. He’s a Chelsea fan
We all know that Chelsea fans are touts.
5. He loves listening to Pasuma and Obesere
6. He never shaves
7. He’s always acting like he’s going to fight but he never actually does
If you’ve seen Agberos, especially the Yoruba ones, they’re always talking about fighting and circling each other without actually fighting. All they know how to do is make mouth.
8. He smokes weed

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8 signs your boyfriend is an Agbero Reviewed by Anonymous on 12:25 Rating: 5

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