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Comedians Sam And Song Propose To Their Girlfriends At Abuja Airport (Photos)

Comedians Propose GirlfriendsMarriage proposal will (hopefully) only happen once in your lifetime, so you’ll want it to be memorable and perfect – After you’ve worked up the nerve to ask, you’ll want a creative and romantic way to pop the question.
Comedians Propose Girlfriends
Well, It was indeed a total shut down at the Nnamdi Azikiwe international airport, Abuja as two Nigerian comedians and friends, DSam and Song proposed to their long time girlfriends.
Comedians Propose Girlfriends
Of course, the ladies accepted the proposals – tear drops filled their eyes as they were surprised by their partners in what seems to be quite epic and memorable.
Comedians Propose Girlfriends

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Comedians Sam And Song Propose To Their Girlfriends At Abuja Airport (Photos) Reviewed by Anonymous on 10:43 Rating: 5

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