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“I’m The Boss Now, Sit Down And Learn From Me” – Bobrisky Replies Denrele Edun.

Some hours ago, media personality, Denrele Edun had us talking after he responded to a Twitter user, who said that Nigerian male Barbie doll, Bobrisky, has taken him off stardom.
Twitter user @chris4bassey, had said Bobrisky successfully kicked out Denrele out of stardom – he wrote; “Funny Enough, Bobrisky successfully kicked Denrele out of stardon. (Just saying fact).
Denrele then responded as thus;
“Thanks for your analysis, but funny enough, can you define stardom? Because I have been gaming in the MEDIA INDUSTRY since 1995! I’m not anybody’s mate!.
The effeminate, has now in light of this, reacted to the media personality’s statement as he took to his Snapchat to declare himself the boss and asks Denrele to sit down and learn from him.
Bobrisky Replies Denrele Edun
He wrote on his account:
Firstly, denrele shouldn’t have responded to that dude. Am not out there to compete with nobody let d future speak for itself. (2) if u like be in d industry since 1990 no one cae….. when d new boss come pls sit and learn from him
Have got no issues with nobody….. And BOBRISKY can never been compare to nobody. Do u know y? I speak class. And when u are classy u don’t allow anyone say shit to u. Right from my secondary school dis act of people getting jealous still never go.
See creamy bob look. Nobody can never compare him/her to me. Even those with p*ssy and breast are still jealous not to talk of someone with rod btw his leg. Bye am done

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“I’m The Boss Now, Sit Down And Learn From Me” – Bobrisky Replies Denrele Edun. Reviewed by Anonymous on 18:05 Rating: 5

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