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Yomi Fabiyi denies demanding sex from actress for a movie role

Yomi Fabiyi denies demanding sexVeteran Nollywood Actor, Producer and Director, Yomi Fabiyi has denied an accusation by one Eniola Omoshalew, an actress turned realtor, who accused him of demanding sex from her, 9-years-ago, in exchange for a movie role when she was still struggling to become an actress.
Yomi Fabiyi denies demanding sex
According to her, Yomi Fabiyi left her stranded on the road when she told him she be giving him sex. Here’s what she wrote;
“This stupid guy, I remember my encounter with him 9 yrs ago when I was still passionate about acting, I was happy wen I met him as he promised dat he will feature me in a movie dat very day.”
“I was so excited, I quickly called my ppl that I won’t be coming home o. I dey go location. Only for him to be telling me dat shey I know I can’t sleep in a separate room wen we get to the location o @Ikorodu .”
Yomi Fabiyi denies demanding sex
“Dat we av to sleep together and he will have sex with me b4 he can feature me at all. He say na normal tin for all d actress o. I was so heart broken. U know wat dis guy now did? As i told him I can’t do it, he just dropped me along d express in d middle of the busy road in Ketu. I cried till i reach home.My mama just dey console me like a baby.”

Then Yomi Fabiyi Responded;
“You all will be surprised to know that a very very close person is even behind all this and other fake accounts and proxies. She has been an enemy for long, snitching since I can remember despite all but all I have for all these logba lagidis is FORGIVENESS. Mo juwon lo, egbe baba won lemi n se.
I don’t dignify everybody with a response. Can u imagine, you agreed to sleep over and I will now bother myself with asking you if you will sleep with me.
That 9yrs ago I never sure of getting a room without being paired let alone someone following me. Another big lie is that I DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO DRIVE LET ALONE OWN A CAR 9YEARS AGO. Awon were.
I will respond formally to genuine allegations. NOW NA THEM THEY GIVE PERSON ATTENTION UNSOLICITED. These ones have been watchin CNN lately.”

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Yomi Fabiyi denies demanding sex from actress for a movie role Reviewed by Anonymous on 11:31 Rating: 5

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